It’s that time of year again when, as an Irish community committed and passionate about HIV, we celebrate World AIDS Day with the Irish Aid Annual Professor Michael Kelly Lecture on HIV and AIDS.
The annual Irish Aid Professor Father Michael Kelly HIV Lecture is held every year to coincide with World AIDS Day. For over 50 years, Tullamore-born Professor Father Michael J. Kelly had worked tirelessly in the fight against HIV/AIDS in his naturalised country of Zambia, and internationally, spreading the message of strength, dignity, and hope for those affected and at risk.
Every year, this event gives us an opportunity to come together as a community, to keep ourselves up-to-date in terms of the current priorities for HIV and AIDS and importantly to ensure that we keep HIV high on the agenda.
This year, the event was held on Thursday 1st December, 2022 from 17:00-19:00 Irish Time, at Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin. This years focus was on the important theme of HIV at a Time of Crisis.